Saturday, October 5, 2013

 She panted softly as she pressed back against the rough bark of a tree, her eyes closing as she tried to catch her breath. She was sure she had at least two more minutes before she had to start running again. Running the tip of her tongue along her dry lips she pushed away from the tree and took off again, leaping over fallen tree trunks and roots as well as anything else that got in her way. She started to breath through her nose and exhale through her mouth to keep herself going even though her lungs were burning and her legs were tiring. She had run for miles, first in her natural form and now in her human. While her human form was slower and weaker her scent in her wolf form was stronger which would easily lead him to her. Werewolves were sensitive to smells no matter what form they were in.

She stumbled suddenly, cursing as she tripped over the fallen trunk she had some how missed seeing in the dark. She lay on the ground for a moment, holding herself up on her hands and knees, as once again she tried to catch her breath. Suddenly her head snapped up and she inhaled slowly through her nose. Shit, he was close. Scrambling to her feet she took off only to reach up and grab a tree branch just above her head. Quickly she pulled herself up into the tree, sitting on the sturdy branch she had grabbed. She couldn't run any more so instead she would sit out of his reach once he got there.

He could smell her, hell she was all he could smell! Her scent wafted into his nostrils and fogged his brain yet made his vision all the more clearer. He had caught onto her scent when he found her clothing at the beginning of the forest behind the manor. When he had seen the pile of garments he had groaned, as he knew that meant she was naked, well she would be when she was in her human form. Her scent was easy to track in the beginning for she had obviously been in her were-form and everything was multiplied in that form. Yet two or three miles into the forest her scent weakened slightly but he was so intent on finding it and it was now burned in his nostrils so it was still easy to follow.

He himself was in his were-form. His fur was a thick coat of black with a blaze of white from the center of his forehead to the tip of his nose as well as white along his chest and belly. He almost looked like her when they were both wolves yet she was completely black save for the white start in the center of her forehead and where his eyes were a deep amber color hers were a baby-blue, odd for wolves yet stunning none the less. Because of his heightened senses he was able to see what she had touched simply by following her smell, it was like following a purple path of smoke that only he could see. He saw the tree she had leaned up against and grinned, so she was wearing out eh? Good that meant more fun for him.

When he saw where she had fallen as well as where her scent stopped he whimpered and sniffed at the air. The wind was working for him as a soft gust blew her scent towards him and he grinned, wolfish lips pulling back across his teeth as his golden eyes lifted to the tree she was sitting in. He barked, which got her attention, and padded over to her perch where he pawed at the ground around the base of the tree.

She sighed as she looked down at him, one leg dangling over the edge of the tree branch. "Aww pooh, and here I thought I had evaded you with my elusive tactics."

He gave a bark of laugher and a dark cloud suddenly enveloped his body as he shifted forms. When the cloud vanished he stood, just as naked as she, at the base of the tree grinning up at her. Yet there was one difference between her nakedness and his, yes she was female and he was male but he, being the male that he was, had a hard-on. You see she was in heat and her scent was driving him crazy with want and all he had to do to have her was catch her. But first he would play her game.

Shifting, slightly uncomfortable, he stood with his legs braced apart with his arms behind his back as he stared up at her. "You know just as well as I, Katara, that I will have you as mine and just because you sit in that tree content as a bird does not mean I will not get you." His voice was husky and little did he know how it sent shivers along her spine and made her skin tingle every time she heard it.

She sighed and curled a lock of black hair around her index finger. "Well, Quinn, I intend to stay up here until you do get me for we both know that is the only way you're going to have me." She winked and decided to taunt him some by sitting sideways on the branch with her legs dangling over the side.

She used her perch to her advantage to look him over in all his naked glory. He had tan skin from working outside everyday and that tan skin covered lean muscles that she just itched to run her hands over. She wanted to see if his skin felt like the satin it looked like and she wanted to feel it against all of her, her skin pressed to his hopefully while both of them were covered in sweat. She bit her lower lip to keep her groan from ever leaving her as she continued to let her gaze roam over him. His hair was just as dark as hers but he had two white locks of hair at either side of his face, which framed it, the mass of it falling to just above his shoulders. He had one of those perfectly chiseled faces with a strong chin and chizled cheekbones, full lips, and gorgeous eyes...perfect, he was just perfect. Her eyes followed the light dusting of dark hair from the bottom of his navel down to where it framed his manhood then down to his legs. Everything about him looked strong, powerful thighs and calves from lifting heavy things, which also built onto the muscle of his arms. Everything about him just screamed strength and sensuality.

He knew she was looking at him and because of that he stood to his full height, six four, and tossed his hair back out of his eyes. He kept his stance as he watched her eyes look him over but then his own molten gaze started to wander. She was small yet strong, her body wasn't an hourglass figure but she did have full, rounded, breasts and hips. Her stomach was flat and there was a hint of a four pack in her abdomen when she stretched or moved just right, her legs were what made up most of her five six form and he could already imagine them wrapped around his waist, gripping him as they moved as one. He groaned softly as his erection surged, aching with the need to fill her. Shaking his head his eyes continued to roam over her. Her hair fell around her hips in thick waves of bluish-black curls, a few strands clinging to the smooth curves of her arms and shoulders. Her face was fairy like, high cheek bones, smooth completion, almond shaped eyes, and full lips that let a voice that flowed like water and sounded like the barest of caresses slip past them to tingle the tiny hairs in his ears.

He had had enough, he wanted her and now!

His low growl got her attention to snap back to his eyes once more and the heated look he was giving her made her swallow, hard. He had dropped his arms back to his sides and he was just staring at her yet when a grin slowly curved his lips upwards her breath caught. He was up to something.

"Katara," he purred her name and watched her shudder, "I'll give you two minutes to get out of that tree."

She blinked then laughed as she started to sway her legs, she still believed herself to be out of his reach but apparently she had forgotten how tall he was. "Or what?" She asked coyly, a delicate brow winging upward as she looked at him with a spark of a challenge. He just gave her a look so hot she felt as if she had been set aflame.

He growled again as he smelled her scent spike and it was doing nothing to help his control. "One minute, Katara." She just laughed at him and flipped her hair at his warning. That was it. With another loud growl his arms shot upwards and his strong fingers wrapped around her ankles and with one tug she came tumbling out of the tree and into his arms with nothing more than a soft cry of surprise.

"You're mine now, Katara." He murmured the words against her mouth as his left hand had tightly wound itself around her waist as his right hand dove into her hair, wrapping it around his hand to tilt her head back.

She licked her lips; her tongue inches away from touching his lips when she did so, as she suddenly found her mouth had gone dry. She parted her lips to reply but nothing but a low croak came from her.

He laughed. "Wolf got your tongue?" He saw her eyes narrow and her lips parted again to retort but he cut her off. His mouth brushed lightly over hers, his tongue slipping from his lips to trace her fuller ones with the tip of it. It was like the touch of a feather against her lips yet it was enough to effectively cut her off.

The tip of his tongue danced over her lips and she melted against him, her arms lifting to wrap around his neck as she pressed her body against his. They both groaned at the feel of their skin against one another and he pulled her closer to him, crushing her body against his. His kiss turned ravenous then, his mouth pressed to hers, his teeth nipping at her lower lip, tongue soothing away the sting of his soft bite. She eagerly returned his kiss and it was her tongue that sought entrance into his mouth, pushing past his lips to sweep her tongue along his. She explored his mouth and tasted his groan while at the same time feeling his arms tighten around her.

His tongue darted forward to meet hers, starting to push it back so he could have the chance to explore her mouth as well. He was doing fine at keeping his control on a tight leash, making sure to keep the beast within him contained so he could have his fun with her. Yet when he felt her fingers grasp his shaft and stroke upward once, slowly yet with a firm grip, he saw spots dance before his eyes as, for a moment, pleasure blinded him. With a savage growl he broke away from her and suddenly they were both on the ground.

She gasped as she felt the cool moss covered ground press against her back and she blinked up at him, feeling the heat of his body press against her side as well the hardness of his erection pressed against her thigh.

"You're such a tease, Katara, always moving in a way that you know gets to me while I work…driving me to distraction with these lips of yours." His voice was husky as he spoke and he traced her lips with the tip of his finger. His eyes were glazed over and they looked more like molten gold now than they had before and those same eyes followed the path of his finger as it slid down over her chin and down her neck, pausing to press against the wild pulse at her neck. For a quick moment his eyes flickered up to hers then fell to her lips again before once again following his finger as it started moving again. Once he got just past her collarbones he played his fingers over her skin, spreading them so the tips of each fingers caressed a path of creamy skin beneath them. When he got to the swells of her breasts he stopped again as if he couldn't decide which way to go. He growled as he made up his mind, his fingers slid to the left to caress that breast, his index finger pressing lightly into her nipple, and his head lowered so his tongue could lap over her right nipple. His teeth lightly closed around that same nipple and tugged lightly, tongue lapping over it while his fingers kneaded her other breast.

She whimpered and her back arched, nails digging into the ground at her sides. His tongue was slightly rough, as was hers, thanks to their wolf genes and it was the perfect texture to send electric tingles down her nerves to collect at the juncture of her thighs to pool together as a warm liquid heat that she could feel leaking from her.

All too suddenly he broke away and she bit her lip to keep from whimpering again. She would not beg, she was too proud for that. Instead she tried to control her breathing which was quickly turning into soft pants, little gasps of air. She felt his fingers press against her stomach and an odd tingling feeling, not at all unpleasant, rolled another rush of heat to pool between her thighs. She gasped and her eyes went wide as she felt the tip of one finger push between her lower lips to spread the sticky heat upwards only to stop just below her clit. She felt a throb deep within herself and she moaned, lifting her hips as if begging him to keep going. He just chuckled at her.

"See, it's not nice to be teased is it, Katara?" before she could answer his finger flicked up, catching her clit in one quick movement.

She almost squealed as pleasure tightened her inner muscles, making them clench onto nothing. "N-n-n-o." She moved her hips again, looking for his finger, but he had pulled his hand back. Damn being too proud to beg! She wanted this, she wanted him! "Quinn…please!"

Laughing he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her abdomen, his tongue flicking down to dip into her navel. "I intend to have my fun with you first." His hand moved back to where it had been, one finger sliding in her slick heat again to push into her, grinning as her hips lifted. He curled his finger upwards and rubbed against the fleshy wall, his eyes hungrily watching as she started to writhe. With another finger he caressed her clit, pushing against the hard clot of nerves, circling it with the tip of his finger, pushing it to one side then another, all the while watching her moan and undulate against his fingers-a second having slipped into her moist cavern.

She was panting now, open moth panting, and in between groans and mewl like sounds she gasped for breath. Oh what delicious torture! Then…she got a wicked idea. Her lips turned up into a feral grin and seeing it made him stop.

Shit, he was in for it now, he knew that look. Quicker than he could blink he was the one suddenly on his back with Katara on top of him, her small hands pressing down against his chest.

"If you thought I teased before…" She trailed off with a laugh, laughing all the harder when she heard him audibly swallow. "Mmmm, it's my turn to play now isn't it?" She laughed again only this time it was different, husky yet erotic sounding.

She dropped her head towards his, her breath tickling his lips as she seemed about to kiss him, yet instead of kissing him she just grinned and brushed her lips along his jaw down to his neck where she nipped lightly. She delighted in the little catch in his breath when she did that and she left his neck with one last nip where his shoulder and neck meshed. She trailed a path of butterfly kisses over his chest, dragging her own semi-rough tongue over his flat nipples before she continued her downward decent.

Glancing up at him once she was above his erection she winked and her tongue slowly, almost lazily, lapped over the head of him. She heard him gasp then growl as she dragged her tongue from the base of his arousal to the tip where she closed her lips around the very tip of his shaft and sucked lightly.

As much as he wanted to let her keep going he was starting to loose the control he prided himself on. So reaching down he grabbed a fist full of her hair and gently pulled her back up with it, pulling her head to his so he could kiss her. While he had her occupied with his kiss, his tongue thrusting into her mouth to dual with her tongue, his hand moved down to her thighs and pulled them to the sides so she was straddling him, her hips perfectly lined up with his. His left hand moved to rest on her hip and push her down onto him while his right guided him into her. They both groaned as her heat slowly surrounded him and once he was fully inside of her she started to move, his right hand moving to her hips as well.

Their kiss broke off as her movements gained speed. Her thigh muscles worked as she lifted her body up then dropped back down, her palms resting on the ground at either side of his head for leverage. Her head fell to the crook of his neck where she muffled a moan, his own groan vanishing into the air as the night swallowed up their sounds. Even the sound of skin hitting skin was muffled, eaten by the dense forest. Quinn's fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her down into him, lifting his hips with each of her down thrusts.

He couldn't take her slow pace any more so, to take control, he flipped them over to pin her to the ground. She blinked up at him and he grinned, pulling her legs up to wrap them around his waist. He waited until she locked her ankles at the small of his back then lifted her hips up, pulling his own back so he withdrew from her. He pulled himself almost completely out of her, heard her whimper, then drove back into her. He grunted and she cried out, her body arching up off of the ground as pleasure ricocheted throughout their bodies from that one thrust.

"I let you have your fun," he growled, "now it's my turn." His head fell towards her neck and he bit her, not hard enough to hurt however. "You. Are. Mine." He pulled out of her then slammed back, her cries of ecstasy echoing in his ears.

They were both starting to loose it to their animal counterparts as their movements became more wild, more rough. Gripping her hips tightly he groaned as she started to move with him, lifting her hips up to meet every one of his down thrusts, pulling back every time he drew back. Over and over their hips met in a fury of thrusts until their skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat, their bodies glowing as the light of the moon reached them turning them into something almost celestial.

Then they both tightened, their bodies freezing as their hips clashed together one last time and they plunged into the dark oblivion of euphoria together. With a grunt he collapsed on top of her, her arms lifting to wrap around him as her legs stayed locked around his waist. Both of them were panting, breathing as one, breaths mingling.

Chuckling he lazily lifted a hand to stroke the sweat-dampened hair at her temple, his tongue licking at the salty sweat skin of her neck. "Now," he panted, "you see what teasing gets you?" Weakly he lifted himself up onto his elbows so he could look down at her flushed face.

Giggling she winked. "Oh I know exactly what teasing gets me." She grinned wickedly. "And I think I'll be teasing you more often."

They both laughed but their laughter was cut off as their mouths met once more in a sweat kiss that quickly turned passionate.

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