Friday, October 4, 2013

 She was beautiful, tall for a female for she was around six feet; with the most gorgeous pair of legs he had ever seen. Her hair was long enough to cover her breasts and tickle the bottom of her rib cage with the ends of it; her hair was thick, glossy, and the color of milk chocolate. God how he wanted to run his fingers through it and feel it brush against his skin like a blanket of the finest silk. Yet, as beautiful as her body was, it was her eyes that captured, and held, him. They were a deep forest green with a dark ring of gray around the pupils. They were eyes that boldly met his own baby blue gaze from across the room. He smiled at her and she flashed him back that slow, seductive, smile he had see her flash only a few close, male, friends. Her smile got his mind on to a more, shall we say, improper track.

She was wearing one of those short, mid thigh length, skirts that made her legs look like they stretched for miles. He wondered what those legs would feel like wrapped around his waist as he drove into her. Along with the skirt was a flaming red halter-top covered by a button down, black silk, long sleeved shirt that seemed to add to the sensuous shape of her body instead of hiding it. A silver ribbon with a butterfly charm clung to her smooth neck, a neck he imagined arched back in pleasure. Besides a pair of simple diamond studs in her ears that was all she wore by way of accessories. No doubt Jessica Bryant was very tasty looking.

God he wanted her.

God she wanted him.

He was everything she dreamed of in a guy, look wise anyway. Taller than her by at least five inches, give or take, thick hair that almost reached his shoulders, and a pair of eyes any girl could just drown in. But his body…mmmm. He was muscular, lean muscle not the bulky Vin Diesel type muscle, in a way that made every girl just wish they could run their hands over him. He was tan and clean-shaven, she liked that. She also liked how he was looking at her, like he just wanted to eat her up. When he looked at her and smiled, flashing his dimples, she just had to smile back.

What she liked best about him tonight was how he wore his clothing, how he looked in them. He had on a pair of dark slacks, cotton maybe, with the same black shirt that everyone else was wearing but he wore nothing under it. She could tell that he had nothing under it because the top five buttons were undone and all she could see was skin. Connor McGregor was by far the sexiest man in the room filled with their co-workers; the boss was throwing a party to celebrate a business merger of some sort-she couldn't remember.

Jessica had to rip her gaze away from the lovely piece of eye candy she had been ogling for the past ten minutes when her friend Marcy came up to her.

"I'm sorry, Jess, Miles is sick and I've got to run home. Do you think you can find a ride home?" Marcy's voice was hopeful, she hated the idea of leaving her friend but she had no other choice. Miles was Marcy's three-year-old son and meant the world to her.

"No problem, Marc, I'll call a cab or something." Jessica was leaning more towards the or something when she noticed Connor heading her way.

He reached her just as Marcy left and he gave her one of his dazzling smiles. "Ms. Bryant." He drawled as he held his hand out to her.

"Mr. McGregor. " She purred right back to him while slipping her hand into his. She was impressed when he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

"I see you have lost your ride home." He held her hand a while longer, dropping it only after he had finished his statement. When she replied with an affirmative he pounced on his chance. "If you'd like I could escort you home."

Suddenly Jessica felt like being bold. Moving closer to him she reached up and curled a lock of his hair around her index finger.

"Forgive me for being so forward," she cooed, "but I rather you take me to your place where you can devour me like you looked so ready to do a few moments ago."

Grinning Connor lifted his hand to curl around hers where it toyed with his hair. "Even better."

As soon as they had gotten into his house they were upon each other. He managed to close and lock the door behind them but as soon as he did he went for her. His arms looped around her waist and he pulled her to him, dipping his head to capture her lips with his. At first their kiss was tame, a light brushing of lips against lips with a few nibbles here and there, but then it turned wild, demanding. His tongue traced her lips begging for the entrance, which she freely gave him, and then plunged between her plush lips to ravage her mouth. Their tongues danced and dueled, her lips closing around his tongue to suckle on it.

Their mouths broke apart not because they wanted to but because they needed air. He hadn't realized, until now, that he had pinned her against the wall of his front hallway—only her body pushing against his had clued him in. Grinning he dropped his hands to her hips then slid them down to her thighs so he could lift her legs and wrap them around his waist.

"God I love you legs." He groaned then gave into another urge of his and dropped his head to her neck where he started to nibble, suck, lick, and kiss at the pale skin there. He heard her moan and felt her head tilt back some to open herself more to his whim.

Keeping his hands on the backs of her thighs he moved them away from the wall and headed upstairs to his room. Once there he let go of her legs and they slid down him until her feet touched the floor. His now free hands slipped into her open blouse and stroked over her red halter covered skin. Gradually his fingers moved up until his knuckles brushed the bottoms of her breasts. He grinned when she arched towards him, whimpering as he denied her his touch and moved his hands to push the black shirt off of her. It fell to the floor in a flutter of silk and pooled on the floor. He realized then that somewhere along the way they had both lost their shoes and he chuckled.

Soon all thoughts of lost shoes were forgotten when he felt her fingers nimbly start to unbutton his shirt, the brush of her fingers against his skin made him shudder. Her palms skimmed up his chest, once the last button was undone, then stroked along his shoulders. Her hands slid down his arms until the shirt fell to the floor to join hers. He stood there as she took her time devouring him with her eyes, taking her time to follow the curves and contours of his muscles which rippled with his slightest movement, yet when she reached for his pants he stopped her.

"Nah-uh, my turn." With a purr his eyes dropped to her skimpy halter top, the only thing keeping him from seeing what he wanted. Placing his hands on her hips he slid his palms up her sides, taking the shirt with them as his thumbs hooked the material in the web between them. His fingers slid along her stomach and as he reached the bottoms of her breasts again he moved his hands away to fully remove the garment.

She was trying so hard not to grab his hands so she could put them on her breasts, which felt heavy and hungry for his touch. Yet watching his lust-glazed eyes roam over her bare torso felt just like the touch she was craving. The halter she had worn had not been made to wear a bra with and she applauded her choice of attire for the evening. When he finally reached out and let his knuckles drift over the swells of her breasts she purred, even moaning softly as his thumbs flicked over her rose colored nipples. Licking her lips she reached towards him and pressed the palm of her hand against the growing bulge in the front of his pants, stroking lightly. She started to undo his pants then as she had originally wanted and this time he didn't stop her.

Her fingers made quick work of unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and she tugged them down a little letting her knuckles brush against the skin beneath.

Her brows shot up and she looked at him slyly. "I didn't peg you for the type of guy that goes commando."

He laughed and winked at her. "I like it, there's more freedom."

His fingers curled around the nape of her neck and tilted her head back so he could kiss her. Their lips clashed against each other, tongues darting and searching for the others.

Connor inhaled sharply as he felt, first his pants fall completely off to pool around his ankles, then her small, yet strong, fingers curl around his semi-erect manhood. That same indrawn breath left him as a low moan once her fingers started to move. With each stroke upwards from the base of him she tightened her fist ever so slightly yet enough to make whatever blood was left in his brain to surge down to his loins, pumping his member to a complete and raging hard-on. She did this a while longer until he couldn't take it anymore and pulled her hand away from him, lifting her hand to press a kiss to the palm of it before he dropped it.

Growling against her mouth his hands fell to her waist where they skimmed down over her thighs to the bottom of her skirt. His palms glided up the silky smooth skin of her inner thighs and continued up. He groaned and broke their heated kiss at his discovery.

"I never pegged you for the kind of girl that liked to go commando." He whispered huskily.

She smirked and leaned up so she could tug on his earlobe with her teeth. "I like it…easy access." They both laughed at her comment and regretfully he pulled his hands out from under her skirt.

He saw her pout and he chuckled. "I want to see all of you, you are a little overdressed don't you think?"

All she did was grin; yes she had been hoping he would play with her—again she applauded her choice in outfit—but he did have a point. All she did was purr then, quite suddenly, she felt the cool air caress the heated flesh that had moments before been covered with fabric. She watched as his eyes trailed over her and she squirmed.

"Touch me." She whispered and it was enough to have his eyes snapping to hers, that cheeky grin forming on his lips.

"With pleasure." He purred, hell he didn't have to be told twice!

His fingers took their time, first trailing up along her inner thighs as he had done before; he was such a tease. Just as she was about to voice this fact she felt his fingers push past her neither lips, the pads of them gliding in her slick heat. She moaned and her fingers curled around his upper arms as the tip of one of his fingers pushed gently into her then withdrew. He did this, with just the tip of his finger, a few more times and just as she was about to scream her frustration that same finger slid up and pushed against her hard little clit thus pulling a soft shriek from her. Her legs shook as a spasm of pleasure ripped through her. She found it harder to breath and he had barely even touched her! He knew what he was doing she would give him that much credit.

Her fingers bit into his biceps and he didn't seem to notice or care. His finger traced circles around her clit, pushing it one way then another, making it harder for her to stand on limbs that were starting to feel like jell-o. Suddenly he stopped his circles and flicked the pad of his finger upwards against the clot of nerves. She jerked and groaned, panting softly as she held onto him to stay up.

Laughing softly he pulled his hand away from her despite her whimpers of protest. "Relax, love, I've only just started." He grinned wickedly with these words and once again wrapped her legs around his waist. He moved forward the few steps it took to get to the wall and he let most of her weight fall back against it. Her hips were perfectly aligned to his, which pinned his erection between them. He had to grit his teeth against a roar of sensation tugging at his nerve endings. He was pressed against her hard enough that his arousal slipped between her lips and slid in the liquid fire leaking from her. He moved and they both groaned, he from the heat of her against him and she from the feeling of his erection sliding along her clit.

"I'm not going to make it to the bed." He muttered as his head fell forward to rest against hers.

She shifted and that lovely, slick, glide of him against her made her shudder. "Me either."

Growling yet again he hefted her higher up the wall until the head of his erection was pushing at her entrance. Then, slowly, he started to lower her down again, slipping into her inch by delicious inch. They both groaned and their breaths came in soft pants, his breath tickling the tiny, sensitive, hairs of her ear. When he was fully inside of her they just stayed like that for a moment to try and catch their breath. It was hard for him to concentrate on much of anything with her inner walls seeming to flutter in quick, rhythmic, spasms around him.

"I can't hold-"

"Move please-"

They started speaking at the same time but they didn't need to finish. Curling his fingers around her thighs he started to move, bending his knees slightly as he withdrew, straitening again as he thrust back into her. At first his pace was calm, slow retreat with a quick reentry, but then something inside of him, in both of them, snapped.

No longer were his movements slow and relaxed but they started moving together, hips undulating wildly against each other as he drove into her again and again.

Her back arched away from the wall and her hips angled in just the right way so every time he moved his thrusts went deeper and somehow grazed her greedy clit. Under her hands she felt the muscles in his arms tighten, against her neck she felt his jaw clench, and under her legs she felt the muscles of his back and buttocks tighten.

They both moaned and she shuddered, her whole body locking much like his had. She managed to last through a few more of his thrusts before she was pushed over the edge. She might have screamed, she wasn't sure but she heard him grunt, felt his muscles tighten as well then he shuddered; the tightening of her walls around him had been his undoing. They were both still riding on their pleasure highs, her muscles still clenching and unclenching around him, when they both vaguely noticed that they started to slide down the wall to the floor. He landed first on his knees then fell backwards with her draped over him.

Both were panting, chests rising and falling rapidly, as they basked in the afterglow of their orgasms.

"Next time," he panted, "we will make it to the bed." They both laughed, albeit weakly, and went back to enjoying the still receding flutters and waves of their euphoria trip.

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